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"Empire of the Vampire" by Jay Kristoff
According to Wikipedia:Twenty-seven years after Daysdeath, a mysterious phenomenon that has cast the world into perpetual darkness, vampires have successfully conquere...
Bonus - Christmas Crossover with Cinematic Anarchy - "Red Snow (2021)
Enjoy this special bonus episode crossover with our friends at Cinematic Anarchy! Seasons Greetings from the Hosts of Cinematic Anarchy and The Strange and Beautiful P...
Bonus: We Are All Kosh - Preview - Babylon 5 (Season 1 Ep 0) - The Gathering
This show is available to stream for free on Tubi or with a paid subscription on Amazon Prime. Tube has the version of The Gathering we watched but it's listed as the ...
"The Dark Tower - The Waste Lands" by Stephen King
Rachel and Matt discuss the third book in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, The Waste Lands. Did the series get better? Are we willing to read more? Listen and fi...
Willy's Wonderland (2021) - This is a sequel to Mandy. Fight me.
Former Patreon exclusive, now all yours. Willy's Wonderland with special guest, Meg.